Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Man..I don’t seem to have much to say, lately. Things kinda suck, so I need to do something to get out of this funk. Work is hard. Politics are hard to swallow (but I gotta say to Nancy Pelosi - You Go Girl!) Too bad Hillary and Obama didn’t take your advice and cooled their respective jets...Republicans are seeing a bit of light now, in an election that was pretty much in the bag for the Democrats, but now, due to 2 enormous egos and vicious campaigning by both, it ain’t a sure thing. Oh well. Whatever. The cost of living will keep going up, my paycheck will keep shrinking, and Stacey and I will argue over what cat food will taste the best when we “retire”. Golden Years. Right. Golden Shower Years for the quickly disappearing middle class. Thanks Bush. You’ve stolen our money, worked hard to keep the rich wealthy, and destroyed relations with most of the other nations on this planet. Eat me.

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