Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Creeped Out

Weird. Many things kind of..creeped me out today. Probably a seasonal thing, I dunno..But here they are:

1. A bug crawled out of a box of CD's I opened today. The box came from London, and I hope the little fella doesn't destroy California's Eco-system!

2. Mike Huckabees's Xmas ad really creeped me out. Mentioning the birth of Christ on a political ad goes beyond giving me the creeps. I think it actually gave me the willies.

3. Actually, I'm finding that all of the presidential candidates have at least a couple of things about them that creep me out, and I came upon a wonderful solution to this whole mess we Americans go through in electing a president. I recently did a little research on Bush's No Child Left Behind program, and while my research came to the conclusion that it is a failure, I think the germ of the idea would be a brilliant way to choose our next leader. Make them take a friggin' test. High score wins.

4. Any Rankin/Bass animation other than Rudolf -The Red Nosed Reindeer.

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