The condos I live in have fire doors that automatically shut in the hallways and unfortunately, the garage doors shut and stay shut, so if one wants to enter or leave in your vehicle, you're out of luck. Oddly, the front gates automatically open when this happens; "Come on in criminals, but good luck getting to our precious vehicles!"
I searched around and found some candles, and called Stacey to tell her that if the power is still off by the time she gets off work, to call me and I'll meet her out front and we'll go out to eat. Blackouts can be fun!
Oddly, within 30 seconds of the lights going out, my new upstairs neighbors (with the thunderously trotting toddler) started playing Silent Night on their piano! Weird!
In the meantime I decided to get out and walk around the building with a flashlight to see what was going on. To my surprise, I found lots of folks doing the same thing. It was comical seeing all of the little points of light being given off by flashlights as the Bridgewater Condos Zombie Horde were out in full force, doing what I was doing - wandering about aimlessly!
Many were bitching about the garage door situation. I suggested that they call the maintenance guy or the Homeowners Association. The woman zombie that was bitching the loudest complained that the lights would probably be on by the time the maintenance guy could get here. Fine lady, deal with it!
As I was talking to her, another zombie wanderer was heard struggling up the stairs. He's an older guy that smokes and it sounded as though he was going to have a heart attack. This pissed off the bitchy lady zombie even more; "See! It's dangerous!" Yep, sure is lady. See ya.
I found it..disturbing that I seemed to be a magnet that drew the zombie horde to me. One by one they approached either bitching or asking questions that I could not answer. I did not know when the lights would be coming back on! I did not know how to open the gates! I did not know how to convince an old smoker to not smoke!
I went back to my place and blew out the candles, then went back out to wait for Stacey. As I got down to the entrance I couldn't help but notice that a firetruck had arrived, and the firemen were talking to another annoying (but nice) man whose name I think is Dan. He is always stopping me to talk...and talk...and talk, and he addresses me as "Tarheel!". I asked if every thing's ok, and he tells me that his neighbor lady didn't know how to open a fireplace flue and that there was just a smoke problem. Hope it wasn't near the old smoking man!
Stacey arrives and I notice one of the zombie horde had reached her, so I interrupted by telling her we had to split and go eat before the restaurant closed. We escaped and of course went to our new favorite Chinese restaurant that was robbed a while back.
I took a few photos during this, but until I figure out how to install and download photos (soon!), this will have to do.
What happened to your old upstairs neighbors? I think it's very rude of them to move out and sell the place to someone with a loud toddler.
Dastardly, I tell ya! (actually, I got to meet the thunderous tot the other night, and yes, he may indeed thunder, he is as cute as a button!)
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